Friday, October 2, 2009

Long time, no posting

Which is not to say no creating. Broken camera, abandoned projects, etc, etc, etc, waah, waah, waah. But, full of new plans -

1 - finishing the quilt I started (2 years ago???) for my baby. He says he wants to have it on his bed while he "still likes the fabrics". I'll be cool if it's done in time for his hope chest... At any rate, all hand stitched, although I broke down and started machine quilting which looks lousy, so after huge maternal/purist guilt I decided to tie it, remove the machine quilting. The binding is 2/3rds done, then removing the machine stitching, and voila! (So long as he doesn't decide to marry before he's 8...)

2 - an embroidered portrait of Dusty Springfield - this one for me as the others have gon as gifts. Too many male musicians, time for the ladies. I think Lucinda Williams will be next. Or maybe H.L Mencken, I dream of committing Mencken bon mots to sampler form.

3 - a stitch sampler. My comfort zone is definitely in the long/short, satin, stem, and chain stitch realm. Need to get out of the rut! Plans for some fancy stitches in the Dusty portrait (seems appropriate).

4 - various Christmas gifts - I see a Very Handstitched Christmas this year.

5 - something that came to me this very morning, a sampler based on this quote (from Frank Kelley Rich's the Modern Drunkard) by Eric Idle: "American beer is a lot like making love in a rowboat - it's fucking close to water." I'm not a particular Monty Python fan, but I can just see that giant foot descending from the clouds to stomp on a couple in a row boat... MUST capture that in needlepoint!

Also, now a member of the Hand Embroidery Network. So inspirational! Time to get sewing!

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